Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gary Hill

1998 : Artist-in-Residence, Capp Street Project, San Francisco, CA,   John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Grant
1997 : Member, Film and Video Jury, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
1996-98 : Performed and collaborated with Meg Stuart and the dance company Damaged Goods in Splayed Mind Out, a multimedia performance which was rehearsed in Brussels, Belgium and traveled in Europe and to South America.
1995 : Leone d'Oro, Prize for Sculpture, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
1991 : Artist-in-residence, Hopital Ephemere, Paris 
1985-92 : Art faculty, Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA 
1988 : National Endowment for the Arts, France/U.S. Exchange Fellow 
1988 : Commissioned by the Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre George Pompidou, Paris, France (to produce a new video installation) 
1987 : Artist-in-residence, California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA 
1986 : Artist-in-residence, Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, IL 
1985 : Artist-in-residence, Sony Corporation, Hon Atsgi, Japan 
1985 : Established Video Program, Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA 
1984-85 : Lived in Japan under a Japan/U.S. Exchange Fellowship 
1983 : Visiting Professor of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 
1983 : Participant, "Intersection of the World and Image", Women's Interart Center, New York, NY 
1982 : Media Panelist, New York State Council on the Arts, Ithaca Video Festival, Ithaca, NY 
1982 : Visiting Artist, American Center, Paris, France 
1981-82 : Member, Board of Directors, Media Alliance, New York, NY 
1981 : Video Panelist, Creative Artist Public Service Program, New York, NY 
1979-80 : Visiting Associate Professor, Center for Media Studies, State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, NY 
1978 : Artist-in-residence, Portable Channel, Rochester, NY 
1977-79 : Founder and Director, Open Studio Video Project, Barrytown, NY 
1975-77 : Artist-in-residence, Experimental Television Center, Binghamton, NY 
1975-76 : Conceived and directed Synergism, a series of intermedia performances for dance, music and video, Woodstock, NY 
1974-76 : Artist-in-residence and Artist's TV Lab Coordinator, Woodstock Community Video, Woodstock and Rhinebeck, NY

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